We Are Creating Nice Web Templates

Welcome to our playground of web template creation! Here, we craft beautiful templates with a casual touch. From vibrant colors to sleek designs, each template is tailored to make your website stand out. So, let's dive in and create something amazing together! Let your imagination run wild in this creative space.

See Our Latest Work

Foundry 3

Need something for a small, privately owned company?
Then Studio is the ideal solution for you. It offers a complete, very stylish website including Portfolios, Company Events, Online Shop, Blogs and Showcases plus giving the site a very personal touch. Our most extensive template.


Studio is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks using the Foundry 3 framework.

Foundry 3
Total CMS

Need something for a multipurpose blog?
Then Norman is the ideal solution. The theme is built with a minimalistic approach but it is a fully featured-packed. It can be used for official, professional, and personal blog websites. Our most versatile blog template.


Norman is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks using the Foundry 3 framework and the Total CMS system.

Foundry 3

Are you ready to rock?
Lemmy K sure makes it easier than ever! It includes everything for a music band website. Promote your next gigs, your albums and the band members. The template is designed for the metal heads but can be easily redesigned for every other music genre.

Lemmy K

Lemmy K is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks using the Foundry 3 framework.

Foundry 3
Poster 2

Need something for a lifestyle blog?
Vera is an ideal template for that. It offers a light, clean and elegant blogging solution with a slight femalish touch. It has a beautiful 2 column layout with a sidebar navigation. Our most beautiful blog template.


Vera is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks using the Foundry 3 framework and the Poster 2 CMS system.

Foundry 3
Alloy 3

Need a cool technical oriented blog?
Maximilian offers a super clean, minimalistic and professionally designed blogging experience with a slight technical appearance. It has a 3 column layout with a topbar navigation. A fantastic, easy to handle blog template.


Maximilian is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks using the Foundry 3 framework and the Alloy 3 blogging system.

Foundry 3

Need something for a new website?
When your website is under development, Coming Soon No 1 is a one page template made for an easy implementation of a coming soon website. Seven colour variants are directly included. Further colour variants can be created easily.

Coming Soon No 1

Comming Soon No. 1 is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks using the Foundry 3 framework.

Foundry 2

Need something for a new website?
When your website is under development, Coming Soon No. 1 is a one page template made for an easy implementation of a coming soon website. Seven colour variants are directly included. Further colour variants can be created easily.

Coming Soon No. 1

Comming Soon No. 1 is a project file for Rapidweaver and Stacks using the Foundry 2 framework.

Next one Coming Soon


Frequently Asked Questions

Find here the answers of the most commonly asked questions.
If anything is unclear about the use of the templates, please refer to this section.

Even though the templates are for free the copyright ist still on WeaverPixel. There ist a copyright notice on the bottom of every template. You may only remove this copyright notice after making a monetary donation.

Your donation is highly appreciated to honor our work. The amount of the donation is entirely up to you. You can change the amount any time during the payment process. The donation will be done using PayPal as a service provider. A PayPal account on your side is absolutely not necessary. You can use your normal Credit Card.

As a private person I cannot guarantee a support within a certain timeline. Of course I will help as much and fast as I can. You can find me on the forums mentioned in the footer down below or you can mail me directly by clicking the link in the footer.

Absolutely! You can use the templates also for commercial projects. It's on you. But when you are using the templates to earn money, I really recommend to do a donation. I think that would be more than fair.

I am always updating the templates when I got aware of a bug. Or after some time when I get new ideas and have the time then an update will be done. The version number is mentioned on your downloaded file name and on the Rapidweaver notes page. I am also mentioning the version number on the shops pages, so you can compare if you have the most actual version.

For the use with our templates you need Rapidweaver and Stacks installed on your Computer. Currently all our templates are based on the fantastic Foundry 3 framework. Some of the templates especilly the templates for blogging are also using an extra blogging systen (we use mostly Alloy 3, Poster 2 or Total CMS). The software requirements are mentioned in detail with every single template.

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